Saturday, 7 July 2018

Year 9 Georgia O'keeffe's Quilted Inspired Pieces

We looked at artist Georgia O'keeffe for inspiration this week. Students researched her work and created a quilted piece. I love the machine/hand stitched detail and use of colour. What do you think?

Miss M

Oddballs Charity Blazer

I was asked by a colleague to create a blazer for the charity oddballs...I did and here it is. Although I found making my first blazer quite a challenge, it was for a very rewarding cause and overall I am pleased with the result. Hopefully it will help to raise awareness for such an incredible charity. 

Miss M

Libby Barker Flower Drawing Page

I asked the year 10 group to draw flowers over the holidays...Libby Barker completed a mixed media piece with detailed evaluation and interesting imagery. Well done Libby. Keep up the fantastic work.